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The art of making sculptures is seen with raised eyebrows by art lovers across the world. Many different methods have been deployed since ages to make beautifully carved sculptures. The most promising of all is the Lost Wax Tradition nurtured by Early Chola Dynasty still receives universal admiration.

LOrd-ganesha-Cholan Arts
Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is the Supreme power who brings order in this universe, as believed in Hindu Mythology.

 Lord Ganesha - Cholan Arts
Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is the Supreme power who brings order in this universe, as believed in Hindu Mythology.

Lord Nataraja-Cholan Arts
Lord Nataraja

Lord Nataraja is seen as a cosmic dancer, responsible for the existence of this universe ......

Lord Muruga-Cholan Arts
Lord Muruga

One of the most beautiful Gods in Hinduism is Lord Muruga, who looks with a boyish charming face ......

Lord Muruga-Cholan Arts
Lakshmi Narasimha

Lakshmi Narasimha is called as Malolan, Ma means Goddess Lakshmi and Lolan, Lord Vishnu himself ......

Lord Muruga-Cholan Arts
Kalinga(Kaliya) Narthana

Look at the sharp features in this statue. Lord Krishna dances with his Peethambaram(silk clothing) swaying in air, ......

Lord Ganesh-Cholan Arts
Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesh, believed to be the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati is with an unique appearance of an elephant head and human body.

Lord Ganesh-Cholan Arts
Goddess Meenakshi

Goddess Meenakshi is the family deity for most of the people in villages around Madurai.

Lord Ganesh-Cholan Arts
Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna, synonymous to celebrating every moment of life, is worshipped in almost all Hindu families.

Lord Ganesh-Cholan Arts
Goddess Saraswati

The primary Goddess worshipped for better education, intelligence and wisdom is Goddess Sarawati.

vrishavahana shiva - Cholan Arts
Vrishavahana Shiva

Vrishavahana Shiva is the manifestation of Lord Shiva who grants such a great boon to His devotees.

vrishavahana shiva - Cholan Arts
Sakthi Ganapathy

Lord Ganesha with His consort on His left lap is called as Shakthi Ganapathy or Shakthi Vinayaga.

vrishavahana shiva - Cholan Arts
Lord Vishnu Narayan

Lord Vishnu Narayan, symbol of freedom, flexibility, peace and happiness, wherever He is !

vrishavahana shiva - Cholan Arts
Paavai Vilaku

An artifact with history and heritage dating back to thousands of years is Paavai Vilakku.

vrishavahana shiva - Cholan Arts
Krishna Devotee

Devotees of Lord Krishna are usually worshipping Him in a mode of celebration.

Watch to know how is a Panchaloka statue created

The seasoned artisans associated with us for decades pay utmost attention to minute details while creating a statue using ancient Lost Wax Tradition. The video takes you through the sequencing of the entire process. Marvel the techniques involved, the moment the statue evolves is indeed very surprising!

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